Yeah. Diabetics can eat fruits as long as they maintain certain limits and medical recommendations. Fruits are foods with large amounts of vitamins, fiber, minerals, water, and antioxidants that provide our body with health and well-being. Fruits should not be missing from anyone's diet, much less from diabetics.
The sugar contained in fruits is called fructose and is metabolized differently than what we get from other foods, so it does not raise our blood sugar as added sugars do. Now, we must keep in mind that the really important thing when eating fruit is to know how many carbohydrates it contains since these can increase your blood sugar levels.
If your daily diet includes fruit in adequate portions, there will be no problem with your blood sugar levels, since these are an essential part of the foods necessary to meet your daily dietary requirements. In addition, fruits have many benefits for people with diabetes and we present them to you below.
Benefits of fruits for people with diabetes
One of the most obvious benefits is the great contribution of vitamins and minerals that nourish your body, but you can also obtain:
reduced sugar absorption
feeling of fullness
decreased risk of obesity
reduced risk of heart attacks and strokes
satisfy sweet cravings
low sodium and fat
The best vegetable juice for diabetics should be rich in fiber and antioxidants. Our Freshlydried GlucoStable blend is loaded with two great ingredients whose properties are important when deciding what to drink when one already lives with diabetes, these are Ceylon cinnamon and Tumeric, The fruits and vegetables selected for this recipe are rich in fiber that helps control blood sugar and cholesterol levels; This can help prevent or manage diabetes complications.
Cinnamon is a spice widely used in cooking for its delicious aroma and flavor. But, did you know that it can be useful medicinally?
Popularly, it has often been used to control blood sugar levels, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure.
Tumeric or Curcuma is another species with a pleasant aroma bright yellow color and a special flavor, but several scientific investigations have also indicated that its consumption improves the body's sensitivity to insulin - increasing the absorption of glucose in the tissues -, which becomes a powerful option to add to the treatment of diabetes. Curcumin, the main active component of turmeric, has been studied for its blood sugar-lowering properties. Studies suggest that curcumin may promote healthy blood sugar levels by improving insulin sensitivity and increasing glucose absorption into tissues.