Do you want to enhance your training? Whatever your level of health and fitness, beets could be the answer.
That blood-red tone of the beet gives a cheerful note of color to the salad dishes and the potatoes that they also accompany. Because of this particular color, many people might think that it is blood since sometimes they may emit blood-red urine or feces. But it is not blood, but a peculiar pigment of this plant called betacyanin.
In its composition, the high proportion of carbohydrates (sugars) such as sucrose and fructose stands out, reaching up to 10% of its weight. This makes red beets one of the vegetables richest in sugar, only surpassed by another of its varieties: sugar beets.
These are its most notable properties:
Antianemic: The antianemic action of red beets is well known and has been described by Dr. Shneider among others. Its iron and vitamin C content, which promotes the absorption of this mineral, is quite modest and does not by itself explain the great anti-anemic action of red beets. Possibly it is some component not yet well identified, which acts by stimulating hematopoiesis (production of blood cells in the bone marrow). The greatest anti-anemic effect of beets is obtained by taking 50 to 100 ml of its freshly obtained raw juice, before meals, twice daily. It is especially indicated in anemias that do not respond well to iron treatment, and which is usually caused by low blood production in the bone marrow (hypoplastic anemia).
It is alkalizing: due to its high content of mineral salts in beets, especially potassium, calcium, and magnesium, it explains its alkalizing effect on the blood. Highly recommended in case of gout, increased uric acid in the blood, and a diet rich in fat and low in vegetables.
Hyperlipidemic: Beets contain a significant amount of vegetable fiber, which has the property of facilitating intestinal transit and, above all, reducing blood cholesterol levels by reducing absorption in the intestine.
Laxative: mild, due to its fiber content.
Appetizer: Increases the production of gastric juices and tones the stomach.
Anti-cancer: Due to their characteristic red pigments, beets have many components contributing to their anti-cancer properties, such as fiber, vitamin C, rutin, catechins, and caffeic acid.
Because its flavor for some people is not very pleasant, it is recommended to mix it with other vegetables and even citrus fruits, knowing a little more about beets, and hoping to consume it properly and in ideal quantities Freshlydried Beet Powder offers you a 100% natural product, exclusive for you (Beet Powder), do not delay in consuming it, and remember that your body will thank you.