Currently, the majority of people live exposed to the new toxins that society faces. Many of these modern toxins are found in the products we consume or in our environment regularly...daily! Some neurological problems, diabetes, obesity, asthma, and cancer, among others, have been related to this.

Did you know that your body can detoxify through urine, bowel movements, sweat, and breathing?

Some people buy many products to detoxify, but in the attempt they fail because these products deprive the body of essential nutrients.

There are now modified lifestyles you can incorporate to avoid becoming a canary in a coal mine. (Experiment carried out in coal mines to determine the level of contamination, obviously a terrible practice). Let's go back to where we were...

Consider these healthy ways to detoxify your body:

Exercise as you sweat regularly to remove toxins from your body and hydrate.

Try to avoid exposure to cigarette smoke and polluted air as much as possible.

Be careful what you eat and avoid refined sugar and processed foods from your diet. Incorporate more foods with antioxidants, which help reduce the harmful effects of toxins.

If possible, include fiber in your meals, of course, in moderation. Fiber increases the elimination of toxins, the appropriate amounts would be 25 to 30 grams daily

Important: Avoid storing and heating in plastic containers as plastic has a layer called (Bisphenol A) that can end up in food when heated as this is linked to low vitamin D levels, diabetes, obesity, and disorders. due to attention deficit (ADH). ). Remember to heat your food in a glass container.

Choose organic foods if possible to help reduce pesticide exposure.

Control exposure to artificial chemicals that we have at home, such as hygiene and cleaning products, and some air fresheners.

Important: let's be part of the change and start detoxifying ourselves, not only externally but also internally, our wonderful body works so perfectly, but we must also give it help to continue in that development, with this advice, I also want to present you a 100% product natural that will help you easily carry out your cleaning process, all the best ingredients united in one will make it easy to consume constantly without wasting anything in your refrigerator. Freshlydried Detox Cleanse.