What's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word "detox"? Surely some not-very pleasant soups or strange greenish drinks can only be drunk with a stuffy nose. But detoxing (or body cleansing) doesn't have to be torture.
Without a doubt, one of the effects of quarantine and 2020 did not discriminate against age or generate weight gain. This is mainly because we put aside physical activity, becoming more sedentary and anxious.
Although in confinement and in winter these extra kilos did not cause major concern, with the arrival of summer and the changes in the phases of deconfinement, resuming a healthier lifestyle and losing those extra kilos has become a primary mission for many. homes.
There are many methods to lose centimeters and lose weight, but are they diets? Such is the case of detox, an increasingly popular treatment. However, the term is not always used correctly.
When we correctly talk about a detox, we refer to a detoxification or cleansing of the body, which is normally achieved by making changes to our diet to help our body eliminate impurities, waste, and toxins. This means that it is not a diet to lose weight, as many may think.
What if we told you that purifying the body following our advice is extremely simple and also effective?
You've probably heard the word "detox" before and we're sure you already know what it means. However, you may not be 100% sure how exactly body cleansing works.
Detoxification is a natural process during which the body cleanses itself of toxins accumulated inside. In this way, the load on vital organs is reduced and the entire body begins to function better.
If you wonder how toxins enter the body, you should know that anything that surrounds us and ends up inside our body can have negative consequences. From unhealthy foods to cosmetics, including pollution present in the environment.
What is needed for a total detox?
Detoxification requires, first, that your body be cleansed of unhealthy foods. This means that you will have to say goodbye to (sugary) coffee, alcohol, sweets, and junk food, at least for a week, this may seem impossible to you: after all, who is capable of sacrificing everything for a whole week? But if it's about our health, if we care about it, it will be a little easier for us.
What we should avoid:
Alcohol and cigarettes
Milk and cheeses (we can consume vegetable milk such as almond milk)
Coffee with sugar
Carbohydrates such as refined flour (you can eat whole wheat flour)
What can we eat?
Fresh vegetables and fruits
Fish, lean red meat, chicken.
Beans, lentils, and all the cereals you can find.
Nuts such as nuts, and seeds.
To help you better, at Freshlydried we have this product specifically to help you in your daily life with your daily detoxification, with has a very pleasant flavor due to its mixture of fruits such as pineapple and vegetables but especially ginger, try Freshlydried Detox Powder.