1.- Body fat

Body fat is a substance in our body with functions such as protecting organs, covering joints, or controlling temperature. But above all, it represents the energy reserve available to the body. So it is not bad in itself, but superfluous.
How is body fat distributed?
Body fat is distributed in two places, under the skin, in the so-called subcutaneous tissue, or between the organs in the abdomen and around the heart (ectopic). The first explains the proportion of overweight and obesity, and the second is related to the large waist size of some people, which is associated with an increased risk of developing cancer, liver disease, heart disease, and diabetes. As I mentioned before, fat distribution is thought to be due to a genetic trait and in 2017 the genes responsible for human variation in fat distribution were discovered. The discovery of these genes will allow researchers to find their mechanisms of action and intimate discoveries, such as how they respond to different amounts and types of food. In other words, it will be possible to identify the factors that activate or deactivate the genes responsible for visceral fat deposition. This will reduce the risk of developing so-called metabolic syndrome-related diseases.
Do you dream of the ideal weight?
The weight is the sum of all the eating behaviors that we have, it is an indirect indicator of the protein mass and energy stored. But what is the ideal body weight? Determining the weight of an operation is not easy considering all the factors involved. What is the ideology of people when they want to lose weight? : health, aesthetics, beauty, performance...?. What would be correct, the desired weight should be the weight that promotes optimal health and minimizes the risk of disease, such as reducing body fat. Excess body fat can seriously harm your health, causing heart problems, diabetes, and inflammation. So one of the options to keep your body healthy is to be able to consume beneficial foods and fruits for the body, specifically to lose weight, one of these is the Pineapple, a fruit with high water content, providing many vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Thanks to the diuretic effect, it can be said that pineapple also has a detoxifying effect. Here are some delicious products that could help you burn fat: Freshlydried Fat Burner Plus