Why does my stomach burn?
Do you know what hydrochloric acid is, this acid by itself is capable of destroying any tissue in the human body, it causes intense pain and the death of cells that make up that tissue. Then, the inner layer that covers the stomach, called the gastric mucosa, can resist the action of said acid throughout life, without being damaged.
Hydrochloric acid, together with pepsin (an enzyme that secretes some glands of the stomach), is necessary to start the digestion of food, especially proteins.
How does the stomach protect itself from the corrosive effects of the acid that it secretes?
There is a protective barrier, made up mainly of mucus, that protects the inner layer of the stomach. The health of this important organ depends, to a great extent, on maintaining this defensive barrier in good condition.
Gastritis and gastroduodenal ulcers are two of the most common consequences of the alteration of the mucosal barrier of the stomach.
Let's talk a little about gastritis, its definition, and its causes.
Gastritis is the inflammation of the mucosa of the stomach, this is almost always caused by bad eating habits or aggressive substances for the stomach, such as these:
• Let's start with alcoholic beverages in general and coffee.
• Also certain medications, especially anti-inflammatory drugs.
• Foods or drinks that are too hot (such as tea) or cold (such as beer and ice cream).
• Tobacco: when smoking, nicotine, tars, and other irritating substances are dissolved in the saliva and pass into the stomach, which can cause gastritis.
To treat it, it is recommended that you have a dietary treatment that requires a soft, smooth, and non-irritating diet for the stomach. You must avoid everything that can irritate the gastric mucosa, as well as tobacco and nervous tension. If you receive antacid medication that is usually prescribed in case of gastritis, it will be ineffective if the dietary habits and unhealthy habits are not corrected.
Important: when you go to eat remember to increase the potato, oatmeal, carrot, apple, cherimoya, tapioca, rice, and avocado, these foods will help you heal your stomach from gastritis, but to be able to complete this section I leave you what you should eliminate or reduce alcoholic beverages, coffee, soft drinks, seafood, sugars, citrus fruits, ice cream, and soft drinks from your diet, therefore we want you to always be healthy and that is why we offer you a natural product that supports and maintains a healthy stomach (Gastrichelp)