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19 Jan Food Dehydration
Sandre 0 451
Dehydration is one of the oldest food preservation methods in the world, the principles of this process have influenced some of the most modern methods in food science.Drying food in the sun has been practiced since the beginning of human history. All that is needed is direct sunlight for sever..
11 Jan Can diabetics eat fruits?
Sandre 0 225
Yeah. Diabetics can eat fruits as long as they maintain certain limits and medical recommendations. Fruits are foods with large amounts of vitamins, fiber, minerals, water, and antioxidants that provide our body with health and well-being. Fruits should not be missing from anyone's diet, much les..
10 Jan Gastritis...silent at first, but dangerous when symptoms appear
Sandre 0 400
Gastritis is the inflammation of the internal gastric mucosa of the stomach, which causes symptoms such as pain, nausea, or vomiting; although in the early stages, the disease does not present any discomfort. Accompanying the treatment, you can opt for home remedies that help reduce stomach bloati..
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